1 Analysis of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process for Linear Systems

Theorem 1. For some PSD matrix \(A\in \mathbb {R}^{d\times d}\) and vector \(b\in \mathbb {R}^{d}\), construct the OU process \[ dx_t = (b-A x_t)dt + dW_t, \] which has stable distribution \(x_t \sim \N (A^{-1}b, A^{-1})\). Let \(\hat {x}\) be the sample mean of \(m\) samples with sampling interval \(s>0\). For any \(\eps >0\) and \(\delta \in (0,1)\), if \[ m \ge c\, (d/s + \min (\tr (A), s\|A\|_F^2) )\varepsilon ^{-2}\log (1/\delta ), \] you get \( \|A \hat {x} - b\|_2 < \varepsilon , \) with probability at least \(1-\delta \). The total time used is \[ m s = O((d +\min (s\,\tr (A), s^2 \|A\|_F^2) ) \varepsilon ^{-2} \log 1/\delta ). \]

In general sampling more often, \(s\to 0\), can be seen to lead to less total time usage, with the continuous case (using an integrator) being best. But taking \(s \le d/\tr (A)\) or \(s \le \sqrt {d}/\|A\|_F\) also suffices to get total time: \[ ms = O(d \eps ^{-2} \log 1/\delta ). \] If instead we want to sample rarely, letting \(s\to \infty \), we get that the necessary number of samples needed is \(m = O(\tr (A) \eps ^{-2} \log 1/\delta )\), matching the fully independent case in Lemma 1 below.

Note that the OU process assumes \(x_t\) is in the stable distribution from the beginning. When that is not the case, such as \(x_0 \sim N(0,I)\), there is a burn in time, usually of order \(O(s)\).

Theorem 1 improves over the original analysis in [1], which had total time \(\sim d \kappa ^2 \eps ^{-2} \delta ^{-1}\), in two ways. The main benefit of this analysis is that it removes the dependency on the condition number, \(\kappa \). This seems to fit with experimental results. The second improvement is reducing the dependency on the error probability from \(\delta ^{-1}\) to \(\log 1/\delta \), which may be useful in some cases.

1.1 Independent Analysis

Before we show the main theorem, we consider a more simple case of bounding the error of a single normal distributed vector. Note that the stable distribution of the Langevin is \(x \sim \N (A^{-1}b, A^{-1})\), and if we take the mean of \(m\) such samples, we get \(\hat {x} ~ N(A^{-1}b, A^{-1}/m)\).

Lemma 1. Given some PSD matrix \(A\) and vector \(b\in \R ^d\), let \(x \sim \N (A^{-1}b, A^{-1}/m)\). For any \(\eps >0, \delta >0\), and \[ m > c\, \tr (A) \eps ^{-2} \log (1/\delta ), \] where \(c > 0\) is a universal constant, you have \( \Pr [\|A x - b\|_2 > \eps ] < \delta . \)

An alternative formulation is that we can take \(m=O(\tr (A)\log (1/\delta ))\) to get \(\|Ax-b\|_2 < \eps \sqrt {\tr (A)}\) with probability \(\ge 1-\delta \). This inequality may not at first look homogeneous, since it has \(A\) on the left side and \(\sqrt {A}\) on the right. However, because the variance of \(x\) is proportional with \(A^{-1}\), it actually is scale invariant as we would expect.

Proof. Note that \(A x \sim N(b, A/m)\) and \(A x - b \sim N(0, A/m)\). From this we easily get that the expected squared error \[ \E \|A x -b\|_2^2 = \tr (A)/m. \]

Let \(\sigma \sim N(0, I_d)\). Then by the above observations, \(A \hat {x} - b \sim (A/m)^{1/2} \sigma \) and \(\|A \hat {x} - b\|_2^2 \sim \sigma ^T (A/m) \sigma \). Note \(A\) has a square root, since it is PSD. By the Hanson Wright inequality (see e.g. [2]) we get \[ \Pr \left [\left |\sigma ^T (A/m) \sigma - E[\sigma ^T (A/m) \sigma ]\right | > t\right ] < 2 \exp \left (-c \min \left ( \frac {t^2}{\|A/m\|_F^2}, \frac {t}{\|A/m\|} \right ) \right ) \] for some universal constant \(c > 0\). If we take \[ t = c^{-1} m^{-1}\max \left ( \|A\|_F \sqrt {\log 1/\delta }, \|A\| \log 1/\delta , \right ) \] we see that \( \Pr \left [\left |\sigma ^T (A/m) \sigma - \text {trace}(A)/m\right | > t\right ] < 2\delta . \) This shows that with probability \(\ge 1-2\delta \), \[ \|A\hat {x}-b\|_2^2 = \sigma ^T (A/m) \sigma < m^{-1} c \left ( \text {trace}(A) + \|A\|_F \sqrt {\log 1/\delta } + \|A\| \log 1/\delta \right ) . \] We can note that \(\frac {\|A\|_F}{\text {trace}(A)}<1\) and \(\frac {\|A\|}{\text {trace}(A)}<1\). So if we take \[ m \ge c \varepsilon ^{-2} \tr (A) \log 1/\delta \] we get \(\|A\hat {x}-b\|_2^2 < 3\eps ^2\). Finally, adjusting the constant \(c\), so can reduce the error to just \(\eps \) and increase the error probability to \(1-\delta \) as we wanted to prove. □

1.2 Correlation time

We now prove the main theorem, taking into account correlation between samples. We need a slight generalization of the lemma, which is that \(x\) can have distribution \(\N (A^{-1}b, BA^{-1}/m)\), in which case for any \(\eps >0, \delta >0\), and \begin {align} m > c\, \tr (BA) \eps ^{-2} \log (1/\delta ), \label {eq:lemma-generalized} \end {align}

suffices to get \( \Pr [\|A x - b\|_2 > \eps ] < \delta . \) It’s easy to check that the above proof goes through with no significant modification.

Proof of Theorem 1. Since we assume the OU process is initialized from the stable distribution, we get \(\text {Cov}(X_t, X_t) = A^{-1}\) for all \(t\ge 0\). Using standard results on OU processes we further have that \(\text {Cov}(X_t, X_{t+s}) = e^{-A s}A^{-1}\), where \(e^{-A s}\) is a matrix exponential. We can note that as \(s\to \infty \) the correlation between two samples drop to 0.

Now, let \(\hat x = \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m x_{t+i s}\) be the average of \(m\) samples with time separation \(s\). The \(\hat x\) is a normal distributed vector with mean \(A^{-1}b\) and covariance matrix \begin {align} \text {Cov}\left ( \frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m X_{t+i s} \right ) &= E\left [ \left (\frac {1}{m}\sum _{i=1}^m X_{t+i s}\right ) \left (\frac {1}{m}\sum _{j=1}^m X_{t+j s}\right )^T \right ] - (A^{-1}b)(A^{-1}b)^T \nonumber \\&= \frac {1}{m^2} \sum _{i=1}^m \sum _{j=1}^m \left ( E\left [ X_{t+is} X_{t+js}^T \right ] - (A^{-1}b)(A^{-1}b)^T \right ) \nonumber \\&= \frac {1}{m^2} \sum _{i=1}^m \sum _{j=1}^m \text {Cov}( X_{t+is}, X_{t+js} ) \nonumber \\&= \frac {1}{m^2} \sum _{i=1}^m \sum _{j=1}^m e^{-s |i-j| A} A^{-1} \nonumber \\&= \frac {1}{m^2} \sum _{k=0}^{m} \sum _{|i-j|=k} e^{-s |i-j| A} A^{-1} \label {eq:diag} \\&= \frac {1}{m} A^{-1} + \sum _{k=1}^{m} \frac {2m-2k}{m^2} e^{-s k A} A^{-1} \nonumber \\&= BA^{-1}/m \nonumber \end {align}

where in \(\mathrm {(\ref {eq:diag})}\) we summed along the diagonals of the \([1,m]\times [1,m]\) square, and \[ B = I + \sum _{k=1}^{m} \frac {2m-2k}{m} e^{-s k A} . \]

Since the function \(a\mapsto e^{-s a}a^{-1}\) is analytical, we can easily analyze the individual singular values of \(BA^{-1}\). Let \(\beta _i\) be the \(i\)th singular value, then \begin {align} \beta _i &= a_i^{-1} + \sum _{k=1}^{m} \frac {2m-2k}{m} e^{-s k a_i} a_i^{-1} \nonumber \\&\le a_i^{-1} + 2 \sum _{i=1}^\infty e^{-s i a_i} a_i^{-1} \nonumber \\&\le a_i^{-1} + 2 \frac {1}{e^{s a_i} - 1} a_i^{-1} \nonumber \\&\le a_i^{-1} + \frac {2}{s} a_i^{-2} . \label {eq:bi-bound} \end {align}

Here we bounded the quantity by expanding the sum to infinity, and applied the simple inequality \(1+s a_i \le \exp (s a_i)\).

Now, we want to use \(\mathrm {(\ref {eq:lemma-generalized})}\). Since the covariance matrix already has the form \(BA^{-1}/m\), all we have to do is to bound \[ \tr (BA) = \sum _{i=1}^d \beta _i a_i^2 \le \sum _{i=1}^d (a_i + 2/s) = \tr (A) + 2d/s . \]

In combination with the (generalized) Lemma 1, this completes the proof of Theorem 1. □

It is also possible to use the bound \(\frac {1}{e^{s a}-1} \le (as)^{-1} - 1/2 + sa/6\), in which case we would have ended up with \(\beta _i \le \frac {2}{s}a_i^{-2} + s/12\), and \[\tr (BA) \le s\|A\|_F^2/6 + 2d/s.\] This may be better if \(s\) is small, but in the end it is not going to matter much.


[1]   Maxwell Aifer, Kaelan Donatella, Max Hunter Gordon, Thomas Ahle, Daniel Simpson, Gavin E Crooks, and Patrick J Coles. Thermodynamic linear algebra. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.05660, 2023.

[2]   Mark Rudelson and Roman Vershynin. Hanson-wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration. 2013.